![]() Fecha: noviembre 11 y 12 de 2021 Duración por día 3 horas (4 a 7 pm - hora Ecuador, Colombia, México (5 a 8 pm – hora Chile 6 a 9 pm - hora Brasil, Argentina) Plataforma: Universidad Estatal de Bolívar – Ecuador. Temática Día 1 Razas Criollas de Cabras 4:00 – 4:10 Saludo de bienvenida y presentación del Webinar. Clara Rúa, directora regional Suramérica IGA. 4:10 – 4:40 La Cabra Criolla del Sur de Mendoza: rusticidad y productividad. Dr. Patricio Mario Dayenoff, PhD. (20 min) 4:40 – 5:10 La Cabra Criolla Santandereana: patrimonio genético de Colombia Zoot. Diego Hernán Bejarano Garavito, MSc. (20 min). 5:10 – 5:40 Rescate y conservación participativa de la cabra Criolla en áreas de montaña en México. Dr Samuel Vargas López, PhD. (20 min). ![]() Temática Día 2 Mejoramiento Genético Caprino 4:00 – 4:10 Saludo de bienvenida y presentación del Webinar. Dr. Manuel Pesántez, PhD. Representante Ecuador IGA. 4:10 – 4:40. Programa de selección de la raza caprina Murciano _ Granadina Dr. Juan Vicente Delgado, PhD. (20 min). 4:40 – 5:10 Qué razas autóctonas pueden ayudar en la producción animal con el cambio climático. Dra. Connie McManus, PhD. (20 min). 5:10 – 5:40. Metodología de selección de cabras sin genealogía. Dr. Manuel Pesántez, PhD. (20 min).
The organizers of the International Sheep Veterinary Conference are holding a Virtual Meeting in November 23-25, 2021. Abstracts are still being accepted with the deadline extended to July 15. This is a great opportunity to present your research, case studies, etc. to an international audience and attend a scientific meeting devoted to sheep health research without leaving your office!
Visit these links for more information on the International Sheep Veterinary Association and the 2023 ISVC to be held in Seville, Spain, March 6-10. https://www.isva-virtual2021.com/ http://www.intsheepvetassoc.org/international-sheep-veterinary-association https://isvc2023.com/ Dear colleagues, We are happy to announce that the abstract submission to the ISVA Virtual Meeting - International Sheep Veterinary Association (23rd-25th November 2021), is now open. Please visit the Meeting website and submit your abstract. You are kindly asked to be aware of the important dates. Join us virtually for a successful ISVA Meeting! Main Topics
Important dates to remember
We would like to thank you in advance for your participation and we remain at your disposal for any further information you may need.
Stay healthy and ‘see’ you at ISVA2021! TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT C/Marià Cubi, 4. - Pral. | 08006 Barcelona (SPAIN) Tel. +34 932.388.777 www.isva-virtual2021.com [email protected] Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress (ISVC) that was scheduled to be held in 2022 from September 19th to 23rd, in Seville, together with the 5th Congress of the ECSRHM, will be delayed six months, to March 6 to 10, 2023. As it is known, the ISVC is being organized by the Spanish Society for Sheep and Goat Production (SEOC). The organizing committee has been working hard for several years in order to perform a successful conference at the organizational, content (scientific, cultural and recreational aspects) and attendance (delegates and speakers) levels. The reason that has led us to make this decision has been the postponement of the 31st World Buiatrics Congress (WBC) 2021-MADRID, to September 4-8, 2022. The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the organizers (the Spanish Society ANEMBE) to postpone the conference to September 2022. As we said before, we would like to have a successful ISVC congress, and as you know, although the WBC is a congress eminently dedicated to cattle, it also has a section dedicated to small ruminants. The WBC is an event with which we share delegates, speakers and members of the Scientific Committee, so it is likely that by holding both events at such close dates, many potential participants, would be forced to choose between the two congresses, negatively affecting both the number of attendees (delegates) and the quality (speakers). We also share sponsor companies and institutions, so holding both congresses in the same year and in the same country, would negatively affect their financial support to our congress. For these reasons, after taking into account the opinions of the members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the ISVC-Seville, and obtaining the ISVA and ECSRHM approvals, we considered postponing it to March 2023 to be the best option. If this postponement could cause inconvenience to any delegate, we sincerely apologize on behalf of all the organizers. We also want to communicate, that we have decided, together with the ISVA, to organize a virtual meeting from 23rd to 25th November 2021 of which we will inform you soon. Looking forward to meeting all you in March 2023 in Seville!! Yours sincerely, Jesse Barandika & María J. Alcalde Presidents of the Organizing Committee ISVC 2023 website: https://isvc2022.com/ Dear colleagues, We would like to inform you that the 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress (ISVC), that was scheduled to be held in Seville from September 20 to 24 2021 together with the 5th triennial Congress of the ECSRHM will be postponed to September 19 to 23, 2022. As it is known, the ISVC is being organized by the Spanish Society for Sheep and Goat Production (SEOC). The organizing committee has been working hard for several years in order to perform a successful conference at the organizational, content (scientific, cultural and recreational aspects) and attendance (delegates and speakers) levels. The reason that has led us to make this decision has been the postponement of the World Buiatrics Congress (WBC) 2020-MADRID, to September 26-30, 2021. This Congress is being organized by the ANEMBE Spanish Society and was scheduled to be held this year 2020. The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the organizers to postpone the conference to 2021. The same happens with IGA (International Goat Association) Congress whose Board of Directors has decided to postpone the 13th International Conference on Goats to September 2021.
As we said before, we would like to have a successful ISVC congress, and as you know, although the WBC is a congress eminently dedicated to cattle, it also has a section dedicated to small ruminants. Further, WBC is an event with which we share not only sponsoring companies (their financial support is essential) but also delegates, speakers and members of the Scientific Committee. For these reasons, after taking into account the opinions of the members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the ISVC-Seville, and obtaining the ISVA and ECSRHM approvals, we considered postponing it to 2022 as the best option. If this postponement could cause inconvenience to any delegate, we sincerely apologize on behalf of all the organizers. Looking forward to meeting all you in September 2022 in Seville!! We would like to wish the best for you and your families in these moments that we are living. Sincerely, Jesse Barandika & María J. Alcalde Presidents of the Organizing Committee ISVC 2022 OVIespaña y CABRAespaña ¿Sigues esta revista online desde España? Échale un vistazo a todo el maravilloso artículo sobre ovejas y cabras, https://www.oviespana.com/. OVIespaña and CABRAespaña
Are you following this online magazine from Spain? Check it out all there wonderful sheep and goat article, https://www.oviespana.com/. Andalucía, 1 de marzo de 2020 ![]() La Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible ha abierto el plazo para presentar las solicitudes de participación en la décima edición de la Escuela de Pastores de Andalucía, que en 2020 se desarrollará en el municipio de Los Blázquez (Córdoba), en la comarca del Valle del Guadiato. El Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía (Ifapa), dependiente de este Departamento, coordina esta actuación dirigida especialmente a las personas interesadas en incorporarse a esta actividad económica al ofrecer formación especializada sobre ganadería extensiva y pastoral. Los interesados en formarse como pastores pueden presentar la documentación pertinente hasta el próximo 15 de marzo en cualquier Oficina Comarcal Agraria (OCA), en los centros Ifapa o a través del correo electrónico [email protected]. En la página web oficial de la Escuela de Pastores se ponen a disposición de los usuarios diversa información de utilidad y los enlaces de inscripción a esta décima edición de la actividad formativa que promueve la Junta de Andalucía (https://escueladepastoresdeandalucia.es). Como en años anteriores, esta acción contempla un curso de formación de pastores que, en esta ocasión, se desarrollará del 23 de marzo al 17 de julio de 2020 con un total de 540 horas. De esta duración, 300 horas se corresponderán con acciones teórico-prácticas, que se impartirán en el centro Ifapa ‘Camino de Purchil’ de Granada y en el municipio de Los Blázquez, y a las que se sumarán otras 240 horas exclusivamente prácticas, que transcurrirán en fincas privadas. Para la selección de estas explotaciones ganaderas, los estudiantes pueden elegir entre alrededor de 100 granjas donde la escuela de Andalucía cuenta con tutores y que están ubicadas no sólo en el territorio andaluz, sino también en las regiones vecinas de Murcia y Extremadura. LEE MAS... Un agradecimiento especial a Francisco de Asís Ruiz Morales por compartir esta información. Special thanks to Francisco de Asis Ruiz Morales for sharing in this information. ![]() Registration and Abstract submission are now open! Early registration is available until June 30th. Register here. To download the abstract form file, click here. Program The meeting is structured in six main presentations (45+15 minutes), oral presentations (10+5 minutes), and poster presentations during the three days. Awards will be given for the best oral and poster presentations by young scientists. Visit the meeting website for more information, including hotel recommendations https://colostrum.ulpgc.es ![]() After an outstanding life-long career with Canarian Agricultural Research Institute (Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias), Dr. Juan Capote has decided to retire after serving many years as its Director of Animal, Pasture, and Forage Production Unit. A native of Santa Cruz de La Palma in Canary Islands, Dr. Capote’s academic credentials include a Diploma in Health from Real Academia de Medicina, a BSc in Biology from Universidad de La Laguna, a BSc in Veterinary Studies from UCM - Madrid, and a Ph.D. from University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Dr. Capote contributed significantly to the advancement of the scientific knowledge with 217 publications including books, chapters, scientific and technical articles. He also had 180 presentations at various national and international conferences ![]() Country Representative for Spain Eva graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Córdoba, Spain. She has been working with several local goat breeds of the south of Spain for more than ten years. Nowadays Eva is part-time professor of animal production at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, and she has founded a company specialized in the conservation of animal genetic resources and genetic improvement. Want to learn more about our other Country Representatives? Click here. |
IGA Blog
The International Goat Association promotes goat research and development for the benefit of humankind, to alleviate poverty, to promote prosperity and to improve the quality of life. Archives
December 2024