7th International Conference on Goats, Tours, France
This conference began on May 14th with a welcome reception and an IGA Board meeting. The Opening Ceremony was on May 15th followed by four days of sessions, round tables and posters. The Gala Dinner was on May 17th and the Closing Ceremony was May 18th.
Main Communications
Session 1: Goats and Sustainable Development
Main Papers
Title: Approaches to goat-related projects for economic development
Author: Pelant, Robert K.
Title: Market studies and good quality products are the key to successful projects
Author: Matossian de Pardo, Cristina
Session 2: Technology transfer
Main Papers
Title: Technology transfer to a goat farming being under rebuilding condition
Author: Sinapis, E., J. Hatziminaoglou, and J. Boyazoglu
Title: From cooperative genetical research work to technological transfer into the selection schemes
Author: Piacere, A., G. Ricordeau, E. Manfredi, J. Sigwald, P. Lahaye, B. Bibe, and J. Bouillonu
Session 3: Transgenesis
Main Papers
Title: Expression of recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic goats
Author: Echelard, Y., C. Ziomek, and H. Meade
Title: Introduction of transgenesis: an overview
Author: Amarnath, D., and B. Rao
Session 4: North-South Relationships
Main Papers
Title: From the international research network to the construction of a regional project
Author: Bourzat, D., G. Matheron, and J. Gaillard
Title: Policy/strategy for the European Commission to help research in developing countries
Author: Vialatte, P., and T. Viegas
Session 5: Nutrition and feeding strategies
Main Papers
Title: Feeding behaviour and utilization of vegetation by goats under extensive systems
Author: Landau, S., F. Provenza, and N. Silanikove
Title: Effects of feeding on the quality of goat milk and cheeses
Author: Morand-Fehr, P., M. Sanz Sempelayo, Y. Fedele, Y. Lefrileux, M. Eknaes, P. Schmidely, S. Giger Reverdin, P. Bas, R. Rubino, O. Havrevoll, and D. Sauvant
Title: Recent advances in the nutritional biology of Angora and Cashmere goats
Author: Galbraith, H., B. Norton, and T. Sahlu
Title: Influence of previous dietary experience on goat feeding preferences
Author: de Rosa, G., A. Bordi, F. Grasso, F. Napolitano, C. Pacelli, and I. Gordon
Title: Digestibility prediction of tropical grass fed by buck and rams, from faecal index
Author: Boval, M., H. Archimede, G. Alexandre, A. Xande, M. Decandia, G. Molle, M. Sitzia, A. Cabiddu, P. Ruiu, F. Pampiro, and A. Pintus
Title: The nutritive value of two provenances of Gliricidia sepium as supplements for goats given low quality straw diets
Author: Norton, B., A. Wokabi, and R. Gutteridge
Title: Evaluation of fodder trees for meat goats
Author: Luginbuhl, J-M., and J. Mueller
Poster Session
Title: Quantitative analysis of dairy goat response to concentrate supply
Author: Sauvant, D., and P. Morand-Fehr
Title: Estimation of energy requirements for growth of Omani goats
Author: Mahgoub, O., C. Lu, M. Hameed, A. Richie, and K. Annamalai
Title: Effect of fasting and purine-free diet on urinary excretion and blood plasma levels of allantoin in growing goats
Author: Fujihara, T., K. Miyata, and T. Hirano
Title: Albizia lebbeck in nitrogen supplementation of sorghum glume
Author: Adeloye, A.
Title: The influence of pea grinding and dietary nitrogen content on buffering capacity of diets offered to lactating goats
Author: Giger-Reverdin, S., C. Maaroufi, L. Jarnot, R. Müller, V. Bontems, and D. Sauvant
Title: Effects of dietary supplementation of rumen-protected methionine on selected blood and milk constituents in dairy goats
Author: Khaled, N., and J. Illek
Title: Rumen-protected methionine and lysine in dairy goat: effect on metabolic profile tests
Author: Chiofalo, V., R. Maldonato, B. Capogreco, and G. Baricco
Title: Biodiversification of nitrogen from feed to milk in does kept under buffer feed technology
Author: Kishore, A., B. Singh, and P. Chandra
Title: Macro and micro nutrients status of sheep and goats in new alluvial zone of West Bengal, India
Author: Ghosh, T., and A. Dinda
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 1. Effect of dams' on kids' plasma cooper level at birth
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 2. Total and TCA-soluble levels in kids given cooper-salt lick
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 3. Effect of plasma copper levels on growth in three breeds
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Selenium supplementation in grazing goats: effects on blood and milk selenium, and growth performance of kids born to does receiving selenium-soluble-glass-bolus
Author: Orden, O., E. Cruz, and T. Fujihara
Title: Metabolic and productive response to a milk substitute and/or chromium in the kids development
Author: Romero, R., M. Andrade, D. Lona, and P. Gonzalez
Title: Effect of ruminally protected choline and betaine on productivity of Angora doelings
Author: Puchala, R., V. Banskalieva, A. Goetsch, T. Sahlu, and I. Prieto
Title: Observation on behavior of Boer goats
Author: Gangyi, X, Z. Ming, L. Guoqing, Z. Changjun, Z. Yi, Z. Li, and Z. Xiaodi
Title: Influences of mixed or first-last grazing of cattle and goats on their grazing behaviour and vegetation of native pastures
Author: Nakanishi, Y., M. Inamoto, K. Yanagita, and M. Manda
Title: Palatability of weeds to goats in Australia
Author: Holst, P., and H. Simmonds
Title: In vitro study of interaction between two proteolytic bacteria of the goat rumen
Author: Sales, M., F. Lucas, and G. Blanchart
Title: Replacement value of tree legume forage for nitrogen source in commercial diet for dairy goats in Kenya Author: Abdulrazak, S., J. Ondiek, J. Tuitoek, and T. Fujihara
Title: Effect of saltbusch (Atriplex amnicola) on production performance of goats on saline rangelands
Author: Riaz, M., S. Hassan Raza, and S. Raza
Title: Digestibility of a bean straw-based diet by spanish Criollo does
Author: Cerrillo, M., R. Juarez, and O. Murillo
Title: Utilization of sorghum straw and maize husk in complete feeds for goats
Author: Naidu, M., and V. Raghu Babu
Title: Evaluation of urea treated sorghum straw diets on growth and nutrient utilization on goats
Author: Prasad, P., and M. Reddy
Title: Nutritional value of alfalfa hay fed to Korean native goats with and without addition of concentrates
Author: Ahn, J-H., I. Jo, S. Hwangbo, and J-S. Lee
Title: Degradability of diets based on alfalfa hay in a continuous culture system with rumen liquor from goats or sheep
Author: Moumen, A., D. Yanez Ruiz, A. Martin Garcia, and E. Molina Alcaide
Title: Uilisation by goats and sheep of diets based on alfalfa hay with or without two stage olive cake
Author: Yanez Ruiz, D., A. Moumen, AI. Martin Garcia, and E. Molina Alcaide
Title: Intake and digestibility in Saanen goats fed timothy hay supplemented with mulberry leaves
Author: Ezenwa, I., N. Kitahara, T. Nishida, and S. Shibata
Title: Performance of Beetal x Assam local goats on feeding ajar seed
Author: Saikia, B., and K. Baruah
Title: Effect of feeding y-irradiated soybean on DMI and nitrogen utilization in goats
Author: Mani, V., and P. Chandra
Title: Study of the effect of supplementing African Dwarf Goats with Calliandra calothyrsus or cotton seed cake in West Cameroon
Author: Tedonkeng Pamo, E., and C. Tankou
Title: Pineapple waste silage utilisation by growing kids in French Polynesia
Author: Llorca-Lionet, H., and F. Meschy
Title: The utilisation of human food by-products as a source of nutrition for goats
Author: Mohammed, F., J. McCosker, and P. Murray
Title: Use of apple pomace of agricultural by-products for the diets of Korean native goats
Author: Ik-Hwan Jo, Soon Hwangbo, Jong-Ho Ahn, and Ju-Sam Lee
Title: Voluntary food intake of unifeed in Murciano-Granadina lactating goats
Author: Rubert-Aleman, J., C. Fernandez, C. Garces, J. Diaz, J. Pascual, and R. Muelas
Title: Effect of type of forage and supplementary feeding on performances of the dairy goat
Author: Rouel, J., F. Bocquier, and Y. Chilliard
Title: Nutritional and economic effects of using non protein feed supplementation to dairy goats on low quality forage
Author: Morales, A., M. Galina, and G. Haenlein
Title: A protected and pelleted feed for stall-fed goats
Author: Bharatey, A., and J. Honmode
Title: Effect of concentrate grain source and herbage intake on diet degradability and milk production in grazing goats
Author: Claps, S., V. Fedele, L. Sepe, and A. di Trana
Title: Dairy goat performance with different dietary concentrate levels in late lactation and the dry period
Author: Goetsch, A., G. Detweiler, T. Sahlu, R. Puchala, and L. Dawson
Title: Intake in goat with different milk production raised in confinement
Author: Dubravska, J., E. Gyarmathy, and P. Flak
Title: Goat feeding systems in Centre-Ouest: Effects on milk yield and composition
Author: Leclerc, M.
Title: The variations of the milk production: guideline to manage feeding in dairy goat flock
Author: Napoleone, M
Title: Fatty acid profile in milk fat produced by goats kept under buffer feed technology
Author: Chandra, P., A. Kishore, A. Bhardwaj, and B. Singh
Title: The use of by-pass fat in the feeding of goats in early lactation
Author: Armendariz, J., C. Apodaca, R. Rangel, J. Ayala, P. Lazaro, and R. Garcia
Title: Effect of concentrate grain source and herbage intake on physical-chemical features and milk aroma in grazing goats
Author: Fedele, V., F. Signorelli, E. Brancaleoni, P. Ciccioli, and S. Claps
Title: Comparison of two modes of pellets distribution to suckling Creole goat reared at pasture in Guadeloupe
Author: Alexandre, G., J. Fleury, O. Coppry, and H. Archimede
Title: Effect of sex and initial body weight on stocker goat performance
Author: Hart, S., T. Gipson, and E. Escobar
Title: Performance of Omani goats fed diets containing various metabolisable energy densities
Author: Mahgoub, O,. C. Lu, M. Hameed, A. Richie, and A. Al-Halhali
Title: Effect of multinutrient blocks on growing of kids at the end of the dry season in Bolivia
Author: Hinojosa, O., A. Stemmer, and A. Valle Zarate
Title: Comparison of supplementing growing goat kids with feed containg non-protein nitrogen or balanced concentrate while grazing shrub range land in Mexico
Author: Galina, M., R. Morales, and G. Haenlein
Title: Lablab (Lablab purpureus) legume grains as protein supplement in the ration of kids goats
Author: Sultan Singhi, S. Mahanta, G. Pailan, A. Negi, and V. Pachauri
Title: Effects of decoquinate treatments on the growth and milk performances of young goats
Author: Morand-Fehr, P., J. Hervieu, J. Tessier, and A. Richard
Title: Effect of diet protein degradability and liveweight on blood metabolites and onset of puberty in female goats
Author: Cufre, G., O. Forchetti, M. Vazquez, L. Godio, and M. Chaves
Session 6: Genetics and Selection Main Papers
Title: Genetics for the improvement of goat meat production
Author: Fahmy, M., and J. Shrestha
Title: Genetics for milk production
Author: Manfredi, E., J. Serradilla, C. Leroux, P. Martin, and A. Sanchez
Title: Selection for fibre production in Angora and Cashmere goats
Author: Bishop, S., and D. Allain
Title: Genetic variation in melatonin secretion in the Australian goat
Author: Restall, B., B. Norton, P. Chemineau, and W. Pattie
Short Papers
Title: Preliminary genetic approach of resilience to strongyles in Creole goats
Author: Mandonnet, N., G. Aumont, J. Fleury, R. Arquet, L. Gruner, J. Bouix, and J. Vu Tien Khang
Title: Selection for improvement on the productivity of hill goats in Nepal
Author: Neopane, S.
Title: Genetic studies of milk production traits in Sirohi goats
Author: Khan, B., B. Mehta, and D. Singh
Title: Improvement of goat production in arid regions by the use of exotic breeds
Author: Najari, S., M. Ben Hammouda, G. Khaldi, H. Hatmi, and T. Khorchani
Title: Bio-economical evaluation of five goat genotypes using milk, meat, and survival components
Author: Meza, C., and H. Montaldo
Title: Growth and capretto carcass characteristics of first and second cross goats in Australia
Author: Husain, M., P. Murray, and D. Taylor
Title: Evaluation of capretto carcasses from Boer cross and Cashmere goats in the Meditterranean climate of western Australia
Author: Johnson, T.
Title: Carcass traits of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Barhat, N., Anju Chahar, R. Gahlot, and R. Joshi
Title: The Boer goat down under-revitalizing Australia’s goat meat industry
Author: Murray, P., T. Johnson, E. Qualischefski, and J. McCosker
Title: Use of body measurement to predict body weight in goats
Author: Kafidi, N., J. Baillargeon, R. Pelletier, S. Mellor, J. Lapointe, L. Sneek, and H. Baldassare
Title: Relationship between body measurements and live weight in Saanen and Nubian goats breeds
Author: De Brito Ferreira, M., F. Ramos de Carvalho, N. Nogueira Barros, and A. de Assis Mello
Title: Environmental and genetic effects on birth weight in dairy goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., S. Ribeiro, S. Queiroz, and K. Resende
Title: Influence of the breed and the kidding season on growth traits in San Luis (Argentina)
Author: Friegerio, K., and C. Rossanigo
Title: Perfomance of West African Dwarf goats under the extensive system of production in Faranah, Guinea
Author: Mourad, M., G. Gbanamou, and I. Balde
Title: Efficiency of selection index compared with mass selection for improved growth performance of goats
Author: Mourad, M., and M. Anous
Title: Response to selection in Marwari goats in farmer’s flock
Author: Barhat, N., Urmila Pannu, Anju Chahar, and R. Gahlot
Title: Evaluation of French Alpine Goats under Egypt conditions
Author: Marzouk, K., F. El Feel, H. Hassan, and M. Sallam
Title: Growth performances of the Vietnamese Bach Thao and French Alpine goats and their crossbred offspring in Ninth Thuan, Vietnam
Author: Nguyen Thi Mai, Kieu Minh Luc, Le Thanh Hai, and Tran The Thong
Title: Genetic and environmental factors affecting milk production from dairy goats in Brazil
Author: Goncalves, H., and F. Wechsler
Title: Milk yield heritability, repetability and genetic trends in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Queiroz, S., P. Tholon, A. Ribeiro, K. Resende, and S. Ribeiro
Title: Milk yield, genetic trend and genetic and phenotypic parameters estimates for milk yield and lactation length of Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., J. Lui, S. Queiroz, S. Ribeiro, and K. Resende
Title: Genetic and environmental effects on milk production and lactation length of crossbred goats in north-eastern Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, M., J. Rocha Sarmento, E. Pimenta Filho, and G. Martins
Title: A non-linear modification of wood model to estimate lactation curves of Girgentana goats
Author: Todaro, M., G. Madonia, L. Montalbano, G. Genna, and P. Giaccone
Title: Factors affecting reproductive traits and milk yield of Damascus goats
Author: Papachristoforou, C., and A. Mavrogenis
Title: Effects of the alpha S1 casein locus on dairy performances of Poitevine goats
Author: Ricordeau, F., E. Manfredi, and Y. Amigues
Title: The effects of Hb and Tf phenotypes on the performances of German Fawn X Hair crossbred does under subtropic Cukurova environments
Author: Guney, O., and N. Darcan
Title: Kidding day in Creole goats of Guadeloupe: character related to production efficiency, is it a new selection criterion?
Author: Menendez-Buxadera, F., G. Alexandre, N. Mandonnet, M. Naves, and G. Aumont
Title: The performance of offspring of dams selected by kidding intervals and litter size in native Korean goat
Author: Song, H., H. Lim, S. Lee, and K. Hong
Title: Genetic and phenotypic parameters estimates of kidding interval and age at first kidding in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., S. Queiroz, J. Lui, S. Ribeiro, and K. Resende
Title: Genetic parameters of reproductive traits in the Polish dairy goats
Author: Bagnicka, E., and M. Lukaszewicz
Title: Comparative study of the dental chronology of native and exotic goats in semi-arid region of the Paraiba State, Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, M., J. Silva, A. da Costa Vilar Filho, and E. Pimenta Filho
Title: Goat milk production in Cuba: first results in specialized breeds
Author: Ribas, M., and M. Gutierrez
Title: Potential use of somatic cells from goat milk for dynamic study of gene expression in mammary gland
Author: Boutinaud, M., H. Jammes, and J. Djiane
Session 7: Pathology
Main Papers
Title: Brucellosis in sheep and goats-advances in diagnosis, prevention and control
Author: Garin-Bastuji, B.
Title: Advances in identifying and controlling paratuberculosis
Author: Stehman, S.
Title: Peste des petits ruminants: a threat for developing countries
Author: Dialo, A.
Short Papers
Title: Coxiella burnetii shedding among Q Fever infected dairy goats
Author: Berri, M., A. Souriau, M. Crosby, D. Crochet, P. Lechopier, and A. Rodolakis
Title: Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia. Recent advances
Author: F. Thiaucourt, K. Johansson, D. Smith, H. Wesonga, and L. Ygesu
Title: Mortality and health related culling in large dairy goat herds of Western France
Author: Malher, X., F. Beaudeau, and N. Bareille
Title: A study on the infection and reactivation of caprine herpesvirus l in goats
Author: Tempesta, M., D. Buonavoglia, G. Greco, A. Pratelli, G. Normanno, G. Carelli, and C. Buonavoglia
Title: Goat response to single infection with Trichostrongylus colubriformis: comparison between high and low producers
Author: Etter, E., C. Chartier, H. Hoste, I. Pors, A. McKellar, and J. Huntley
Poster Session
Title: Phylogeny within the “Mycoides Cluster” as shown by a 298 BP long intergenic sequence
Author: Thiaucourt, F., S. Lorenzon, A. David, and A. Béart
Title: Isolation and characterisation of Tunisian goat Chlamydia pecorum strain
Author: Tlatli, A., A. Rekiki, A. Souriau, T. Ftouh, A. Rodolakis, and S. Hammami
Title: Serological reactions in a goat herd infected with Mycoplasma putrefaciens
Author: Mercie, P., D. Lenfant, M. Lambert, and P. Dufour
Title: A case of non-purulent multifocal encephalitis in baby goats produced by Mycoplasma arginini
Author: Vega, S., B. Martinez, R. Bolea, E. Minguijon, JA. Ruiz Santa Quiteria, and R. de la Fuente
Title: Protection of vaccinated goats against experimental challenge with Mannheimia Haemolytica al leukotoxin
Author: Du Preez, E., M. Odendaal, and S. Morris
Title: Efficacy of diclazuril on oocyst output in young femal goat: determination of the effective dose rate
Author: Chartier, C., I. Pors, and E. Meissonnier
Title: Oestrus ovis infection in dairy goats. Factors of variability in the seroprevalence within a flock
Author: Hoste, H., F. Prevot, Y. Lefrileux, P. Jacquiet, JP. Bergeaud, C. Duranton, and P. Dorchies
Title: Morbidity profile of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Chahar, A., N. Barhat, and R. Gahlot
Title: Patho-haematobiochemical observations of induced Prosopis juliflora feeding in goats
Author: Misri, J., N. Singh, and V. Vihan
Title: Intoxication of goats with Cestrum parqui
Author: Rossanigo, C., and K. Frigerio
Title: Biochemical profile of clinical Ketosis in goats
Author: Tanwar, R., N. Tinna, A. Ghalot, and S. Sharma
Session 8: Production Systems
Main Papers
Title: Emergence of a milk goat production in Morocco: experiences and prospects
Author: Chiche, J., A. El Aich, and A. Outmani
Title: Goat farming systems under semi-arid Tropics: from marginality to safety
Author: Caron, P., and R. Lancelot
Short Papers
Title: Situation and outlooks of the dairy sheep and goat production systems in the Euro-Mediterranean area: the results of the monitoring body of the FAO/CIHEAM network
Author: Dubeuf, J., J. Choisis, R. Rubino, G. Toussaint, J. Boutonnet, A. Falagna, L. Oregi, S. Ligios, F. Pacheco, and J. Rochon
Title: Milk production from goats for households and small-scale farmers in South Africa
Author: Donkin, E,. and P. Boyazoglu
Title: Goat and sheep production from semi-arid range in western New South Wales, Australia: a comparative analysis
Author: Holst, P., and M. Miller
Title: Goat raising in small-holder farming systems in Bangladesh
Author: Alam, M.
Title: Working in a cheese-making goat farm
Author: Guinamard, C., and E. Caramelle-Holtz
Title: Dynamics of goat husbandry in Indian Himalayan region
Author: Chander, M., S. Kumar, and P. Harbola
Title: Gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats raised at different altitudes and managements in Nepal
Author: Joshi, B.
Title: Breed cultivation of Yaan dairy goats
Author: Xu Gangyi, Pu Jiabi, and Zhang Ming
Title: A preliminary report on improvement by using Boer goat in China
Author: Xu Gangyi, Pu Jiabi, Zhang Hongping, Chen Taiyong
Title: Performance of Osmanabadi goats reared under three management systems
Author: Karanjkar, L., M. Abdul Hakim, and G. Patil
Title: Management strategies for coping with extremes in mohair prices in Angora goat production
Author: Huston, J., P. Thompson, C. Lupton, and J. Kiker
Title: Performance indexes of Procapri herds participants
Author: S. Ribeiro, K. Resende, A. Ribeiro, S. Queiroz, and H. Goncalves
Title: Study of caprine breeding in North-East of Algeria
Author: Madani, T.
Title: Assistance program to dairy goat production system in Uruguay
Author: de Lima, D., G. Fernandez, O. Correa, and E. Rubianes
Title: Characterisation of “Cacioricotta” the only traditional goat cheese of Southern Italy
Author: Pizzillo, M., V. Ferrara, E. Agoglia, M. Calandrelli, and R. Rubino
Title: Lot feeding goats using environmental enrichment
Author: Flint, M., and P. Murray
Title: Productivity of goat in an intensive system of exploitation
Author: Frigerio, K., and C. Rossanigo
Title: The characteristics of goat farming systems in Kahramanmaras, in the North Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
Author: Ozturk, D.
Title: Sociological and productive characterisation of semiextensive goats farms in the “Sierra Norte de Cadiz” Spain
Author: Castel, J., Y. Mena, M. Delgado-Pertinez, F. Caravaca, M. Alcade, and J. Guzman
Title: Socio-economic evaluation of Bengal goat farming systems in three agriecozones in India
Author: Pan, S., and S. Jana
Title: Performance of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Barhat, N., G. Gahlot, R. Choudhary, and R. Gahlot
Title: Production systems and breeding strategies in goat breeding systems in Guadeloupe (FWI)
Author: Gau, D., M. Naves, G. Alexandre, E. Shitalou, and N. Mandonnet
Title: Population dynamics and production system of goat in Pakistan
Author: Khan, M.
Title: Effects of different milking methods on profitability and growth performance of Shami (Damascus) kids
Author: Keskin, M., and O. Bicer
Title: Comparative productivity of sheep and goat intensive grazing systems based upon irrigated pangola pastures in the French West Indies
Author: Alexandre, G., M. Mahieu, and G. Aumont
Title: Phenotypic and production characteristics of Criollo goats in the interandean valleys of Bolivia
Author: Altug, F., A. Valle Zarata, A. Stemmer, and R. Ergueta
Title: Relationship among performance indexes and their economical impact on goat farm profits - a simulation
Author: Ribeiro, S., and A. Ribeiro
Title: Goat production in a range management area in Lesotho
Author: Goe, M., and R. Buzzard
Title: Study of two Portuguese goat breeds on "Montado" system
Author: Cachatra, A., and A. Potes
Session 9: Reproduction
Main Papers
Title: Nutritional regulation of reproduction in goats
Author: Walkden-Brown, S. and F. Bocquier
Title: Photoperiodic treatment of bucks markedly improves the response of seasonally anovulatory goats to the “male effect”
Author: Delgadillo, J., J. Flores, F. Veliz, P. Poindron, J. Perez-Villanueva, and G. Martinez de la Escalera
Title: Hormonal treatments to control time of ovulation and fertility of treated goats
Author: Baril, G., and J. Saumande
Short Papers
Title: Estrus induction with artificial photoperiod in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Traldi, A., L. Piolli, and F. Piolli
Title: Assessment of different reproductive methods for the cross-breeding of the Oasian goat with Alpine bucks
Author: Rekik, M., and N. Lassoued
Title: Multi-ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) in South African Boer and indigenous goats
Author: Greying, J., and M. van der Nest
Title: The pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in the caprine species: fundamental and clinical approach
Author: Gonzalez, F., P. Calero, E. Quesada, J. Garbayo, and J. Beckers
Poster Session
Title: Out-of-season reproduction in the Vendeen dairy goat farms: Primiparous goats management
Author: Brice, G., B. Poupin, D. Lequenne, and L. Formenti
Title: Anglo-Nubian goats reproductive performance traits under Egyptian environmental conditions
Author: Marai, I., A. Daader, F. Hassan, and A. Abu-Ela
Title: Reproductive behaviour of the typical goat from cow mountains of Comechingones from Cordoba district, Argentina
Author: de Gea, G., and A. Mellano
Title: Reproductive performance of Damascus goats in semi-arid areas in Egypt
Author: Shalaby, A., S. Sharawy, N. Saleh, and M. Medan
Title: Reproductive characteristics of goats in semiarid areas of Cear, Northeast of Brazil
Author: Nunes, J., and C. de M. Salgueiro
Title: Sexual development in Saanen bucks from birth to 12 months old
Author: Becker-Silva, S., A. Marquez Junior, and P. Andrade
Title: Performance test for growth rate and feed efficiency in young meat bucks
Author: Gipson, T., E. Escobar, T. McKinney, L. Dawson, and T. Sahlu
Title: Incidence of various gross reproductive disorders in male and female Barbri goats
Author: Zia-Ur-Rahman, E. Bengali, N. Akhtar, and I. Haq
Title: Criteria for the choice of breeding goat male in an extensive rearing system in Lebanon
Author: Abi Saab, S., E. Hajj, S. Hanna, and R. El Roumouz
Title: Sexual activity in the Bedouin male goat (Capra hircus) from birth to adulthood
Author: Mouffok, N., F. Khammar, S. Charallah, and Z. Amirat
Title: Activité cosurrénalienne chez la chèvre bédouine mâle de la naissance à l’âge adulte
Author: Kebane, S., N. Chergui, Y. Lakhdari, Z. Amirat, and F. Khammar
Title: The effect of undernutrition on testes and semen characteristics in young Boer goats
Author: Schwalbach, L., A. Almeida, J. Greyling, L. Cardoso, and C. Williams
Session 1: Goats and Sustainable Development
Main Papers
Title: Approaches to goat-related projects for economic development
Author: Pelant, Robert K.
Title: Market studies and good quality products are the key to successful projects
Author: Matossian de Pardo, Cristina
Session 2: Technology transfer
Main Papers
Title: Technology transfer to a goat farming being under rebuilding condition
Author: Sinapis, E., J. Hatziminaoglou, and J. Boyazoglu
Title: From cooperative genetical research work to technological transfer into the selection schemes
Author: Piacere, A., G. Ricordeau, E. Manfredi, J. Sigwald, P. Lahaye, B. Bibe, and J. Bouillonu
Session 3: Transgenesis
Main Papers
Title: Expression of recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic goats
Author: Echelard, Y., C. Ziomek, and H. Meade
Title: Introduction of transgenesis: an overview
Author: Amarnath, D., and B. Rao
Session 4: North-South Relationships
Main Papers
Title: From the international research network to the construction of a regional project
Author: Bourzat, D., G. Matheron, and J. Gaillard
Title: Policy/strategy for the European Commission to help research in developing countries
Author: Vialatte, P., and T. Viegas
Session 5: Nutrition and feeding strategies
Main Papers
Title: Feeding behaviour and utilization of vegetation by goats under extensive systems
Author: Landau, S., F. Provenza, and N. Silanikove
Title: Effects of feeding on the quality of goat milk and cheeses
Author: Morand-Fehr, P., M. Sanz Sempelayo, Y. Fedele, Y. Lefrileux, M. Eknaes, P. Schmidely, S. Giger Reverdin, P. Bas, R. Rubino, O. Havrevoll, and D. Sauvant
Title: Recent advances in the nutritional biology of Angora and Cashmere goats
Author: Galbraith, H., B. Norton, and T. Sahlu
Title: Influence of previous dietary experience on goat feeding preferences
Author: de Rosa, G., A. Bordi, F. Grasso, F. Napolitano, C. Pacelli, and I. Gordon
Title: Digestibility prediction of tropical grass fed by buck and rams, from faecal index
Author: Boval, M., H. Archimede, G. Alexandre, A. Xande, M. Decandia, G. Molle, M. Sitzia, A. Cabiddu, P. Ruiu, F. Pampiro, and A. Pintus
Title: The nutritive value of two provenances of Gliricidia sepium as supplements for goats given low quality straw diets
Author: Norton, B., A. Wokabi, and R. Gutteridge
Title: Evaluation of fodder trees for meat goats
Author: Luginbuhl, J-M., and J. Mueller
Poster Session
Title: Quantitative analysis of dairy goat response to concentrate supply
Author: Sauvant, D., and P. Morand-Fehr
Title: Estimation of energy requirements for growth of Omani goats
Author: Mahgoub, O., C. Lu, M. Hameed, A. Richie, and K. Annamalai
Title: Effect of fasting and purine-free diet on urinary excretion and blood plasma levels of allantoin in growing goats
Author: Fujihara, T., K. Miyata, and T. Hirano
Title: Albizia lebbeck in nitrogen supplementation of sorghum glume
Author: Adeloye, A.
Title: The influence of pea grinding and dietary nitrogen content on buffering capacity of diets offered to lactating goats
Author: Giger-Reverdin, S., C. Maaroufi, L. Jarnot, R. Müller, V. Bontems, and D. Sauvant
Title: Effects of dietary supplementation of rumen-protected methionine on selected blood and milk constituents in dairy goats
Author: Khaled, N., and J. Illek
Title: Rumen-protected methionine and lysine in dairy goat: effect on metabolic profile tests
Author: Chiofalo, V., R. Maldonato, B. Capogreco, and G. Baricco
Title: Biodiversification of nitrogen from feed to milk in does kept under buffer feed technology
Author: Kishore, A., B. Singh, and P. Chandra
Title: Macro and micro nutrients status of sheep and goats in new alluvial zone of West Bengal, India
Author: Ghosh, T., and A. Dinda
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 1. Effect of dams' on kids' plasma cooper level at birth
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 2. Total and TCA-soluble levels in kids given cooper-salt lick
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Plasma copper status in Omani kids. 3. Effect of plasma copper levels on growth in three breeds
Author: Osman, N., E. Johnson, and R. Al-Busaidi
Title: Selenium supplementation in grazing goats: effects on blood and milk selenium, and growth performance of kids born to does receiving selenium-soluble-glass-bolus
Author: Orden, O., E. Cruz, and T. Fujihara
Title: Metabolic and productive response to a milk substitute and/or chromium in the kids development
Author: Romero, R., M. Andrade, D. Lona, and P. Gonzalez
Title: Effect of ruminally protected choline and betaine on productivity of Angora doelings
Author: Puchala, R., V. Banskalieva, A. Goetsch, T. Sahlu, and I. Prieto
Title: Observation on behavior of Boer goats
Author: Gangyi, X, Z. Ming, L. Guoqing, Z. Changjun, Z. Yi, Z. Li, and Z. Xiaodi
Title: Influences of mixed or first-last grazing of cattle and goats on their grazing behaviour and vegetation of native pastures
Author: Nakanishi, Y., M. Inamoto, K. Yanagita, and M. Manda
Title: Palatability of weeds to goats in Australia
Author: Holst, P., and H. Simmonds
Title: In vitro study of interaction between two proteolytic bacteria of the goat rumen
Author: Sales, M., F. Lucas, and G. Blanchart
Title: Replacement value of tree legume forage for nitrogen source in commercial diet for dairy goats in Kenya Author: Abdulrazak, S., J. Ondiek, J. Tuitoek, and T. Fujihara
Title: Effect of saltbusch (Atriplex amnicola) on production performance of goats on saline rangelands
Author: Riaz, M., S. Hassan Raza, and S. Raza
Title: Digestibility of a bean straw-based diet by spanish Criollo does
Author: Cerrillo, M., R. Juarez, and O. Murillo
Title: Utilization of sorghum straw and maize husk in complete feeds for goats
Author: Naidu, M., and V. Raghu Babu
Title: Evaluation of urea treated sorghum straw diets on growth and nutrient utilization on goats
Author: Prasad, P., and M. Reddy
Title: Nutritional value of alfalfa hay fed to Korean native goats with and without addition of concentrates
Author: Ahn, J-H., I. Jo, S. Hwangbo, and J-S. Lee
Title: Degradability of diets based on alfalfa hay in a continuous culture system with rumen liquor from goats or sheep
Author: Moumen, A., D. Yanez Ruiz, A. Martin Garcia, and E. Molina Alcaide
Title: Uilisation by goats and sheep of diets based on alfalfa hay with or without two stage olive cake
Author: Yanez Ruiz, D., A. Moumen, AI. Martin Garcia, and E. Molina Alcaide
Title: Intake and digestibility in Saanen goats fed timothy hay supplemented with mulberry leaves
Author: Ezenwa, I., N. Kitahara, T. Nishida, and S. Shibata
Title: Performance of Beetal x Assam local goats on feeding ajar seed
Author: Saikia, B., and K. Baruah
Title: Effect of feeding y-irradiated soybean on DMI and nitrogen utilization in goats
Author: Mani, V., and P. Chandra
Title: Study of the effect of supplementing African Dwarf Goats with Calliandra calothyrsus or cotton seed cake in West Cameroon
Author: Tedonkeng Pamo, E., and C. Tankou
Title: Pineapple waste silage utilisation by growing kids in French Polynesia
Author: Llorca-Lionet, H., and F. Meschy
Title: The utilisation of human food by-products as a source of nutrition for goats
Author: Mohammed, F., J. McCosker, and P. Murray
Title: Use of apple pomace of agricultural by-products for the diets of Korean native goats
Author: Ik-Hwan Jo, Soon Hwangbo, Jong-Ho Ahn, and Ju-Sam Lee
Title: Voluntary food intake of unifeed in Murciano-Granadina lactating goats
Author: Rubert-Aleman, J., C. Fernandez, C. Garces, J. Diaz, J. Pascual, and R. Muelas
Title: Effect of type of forage and supplementary feeding on performances of the dairy goat
Author: Rouel, J., F. Bocquier, and Y. Chilliard
Title: Nutritional and economic effects of using non protein feed supplementation to dairy goats on low quality forage
Author: Morales, A., M. Galina, and G. Haenlein
Title: A protected and pelleted feed for stall-fed goats
Author: Bharatey, A., and J. Honmode
Title: Effect of concentrate grain source and herbage intake on diet degradability and milk production in grazing goats
Author: Claps, S., V. Fedele, L. Sepe, and A. di Trana
Title: Dairy goat performance with different dietary concentrate levels in late lactation and the dry period
Author: Goetsch, A., G. Detweiler, T. Sahlu, R. Puchala, and L. Dawson
Title: Intake in goat with different milk production raised in confinement
Author: Dubravska, J., E. Gyarmathy, and P. Flak
Title: Goat feeding systems in Centre-Ouest: Effects on milk yield and composition
Author: Leclerc, M.
Title: The variations of the milk production: guideline to manage feeding in dairy goat flock
Author: Napoleone, M
Title: Fatty acid profile in milk fat produced by goats kept under buffer feed technology
Author: Chandra, P., A. Kishore, A. Bhardwaj, and B. Singh
Title: The use of by-pass fat in the feeding of goats in early lactation
Author: Armendariz, J., C. Apodaca, R. Rangel, J. Ayala, P. Lazaro, and R. Garcia
Title: Effect of concentrate grain source and herbage intake on physical-chemical features and milk aroma in grazing goats
Author: Fedele, V., F. Signorelli, E. Brancaleoni, P. Ciccioli, and S. Claps
Title: Comparison of two modes of pellets distribution to suckling Creole goat reared at pasture in Guadeloupe
Author: Alexandre, G., J. Fleury, O. Coppry, and H. Archimede
Title: Effect of sex and initial body weight on stocker goat performance
Author: Hart, S., T. Gipson, and E. Escobar
Title: Performance of Omani goats fed diets containing various metabolisable energy densities
Author: Mahgoub, O,. C. Lu, M. Hameed, A. Richie, and A. Al-Halhali
Title: Effect of multinutrient blocks on growing of kids at the end of the dry season in Bolivia
Author: Hinojosa, O., A. Stemmer, and A. Valle Zarate
Title: Comparison of supplementing growing goat kids with feed containg non-protein nitrogen or balanced concentrate while grazing shrub range land in Mexico
Author: Galina, M., R. Morales, and G. Haenlein
Title: Lablab (Lablab purpureus) legume grains as protein supplement in the ration of kids goats
Author: Sultan Singhi, S. Mahanta, G. Pailan, A. Negi, and V. Pachauri
Title: Effects of decoquinate treatments on the growth and milk performances of young goats
Author: Morand-Fehr, P., J. Hervieu, J. Tessier, and A. Richard
Title: Effect of diet protein degradability and liveweight on blood metabolites and onset of puberty in female goats
Author: Cufre, G., O. Forchetti, M. Vazquez, L. Godio, and M. Chaves
Session 6: Genetics and Selection Main Papers
Title: Genetics for the improvement of goat meat production
Author: Fahmy, M., and J. Shrestha
Title: Genetics for milk production
Author: Manfredi, E., J. Serradilla, C. Leroux, P. Martin, and A. Sanchez
Title: Selection for fibre production in Angora and Cashmere goats
Author: Bishop, S., and D. Allain
Title: Genetic variation in melatonin secretion in the Australian goat
Author: Restall, B., B. Norton, P. Chemineau, and W. Pattie
Short Papers
Title: Preliminary genetic approach of resilience to strongyles in Creole goats
Author: Mandonnet, N., G. Aumont, J. Fleury, R. Arquet, L. Gruner, J. Bouix, and J. Vu Tien Khang
Title: Selection for improvement on the productivity of hill goats in Nepal
Author: Neopane, S.
Title: Genetic studies of milk production traits in Sirohi goats
Author: Khan, B., B. Mehta, and D. Singh
Title: Improvement of goat production in arid regions by the use of exotic breeds
Author: Najari, S., M. Ben Hammouda, G. Khaldi, H. Hatmi, and T. Khorchani
Title: Bio-economical evaluation of five goat genotypes using milk, meat, and survival components
Author: Meza, C., and H. Montaldo
Title: Growth and capretto carcass characteristics of first and second cross goats in Australia
Author: Husain, M., P. Murray, and D. Taylor
Title: Evaluation of capretto carcasses from Boer cross and Cashmere goats in the Meditterranean climate of western Australia
Author: Johnson, T.
Title: Carcass traits of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Barhat, N., Anju Chahar, R. Gahlot, and R. Joshi
Title: The Boer goat down under-revitalizing Australia’s goat meat industry
Author: Murray, P., T. Johnson, E. Qualischefski, and J. McCosker
Title: Use of body measurement to predict body weight in goats
Author: Kafidi, N., J. Baillargeon, R. Pelletier, S. Mellor, J. Lapointe, L. Sneek, and H. Baldassare
Title: Relationship between body measurements and live weight in Saanen and Nubian goats breeds
Author: De Brito Ferreira, M., F. Ramos de Carvalho, N. Nogueira Barros, and A. de Assis Mello
Title: Environmental and genetic effects on birth weight in dairy goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., S. Ribeiro, S. Queiroz, and K. Resende
Title: Influence of the breed and the kidding season on growth traits in San Luis (Argentina)
Author: Friegerio, K., and C. Rossanigo
Title: Perfomance of West African Dwarf goats under the extensive system of production in Faranah, Guinea
Author: Mourad, M., G. Gbanamou, and I. Balde
Title: Efficiency of selection index compared with mass selection for improved growth performance of goats
Author: Mourad, M., and M. Anous
Title: Response to selection in Marwari goats in farmer’s flock
Author: Barhat, N., Urmila Pannu, Anju Chahar, and R. Gahlot
Title: Evaluation of French Alpine Goats under Egypt conditions
Author: Marzouk, K., F. El Feel, H. Hassan, and M. Sallam
Title: Growth performances of the Vietnamese Bach Thao and French Alpine goats and their crossbred offspring in Ninth Thuan, Vietnam
Author: Nguyen Thi Mai, Kieu Minh Luc, Le Thanh Hai, and Tran The Thong
Title: Genetic and environmental factors affecting milk production from dairy goats in Brazil
Author: Goncalves, H., and F. Wechsler
Title: Milk yield heritability, repetability and genetic trends in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Queiroz, S., P. Tholon, A. Ribeiro, K. Resende, and S. Ribeiro
Title: Milk yield, genetic trend and genetic and phenotypic parameters estimates for milk yield and lactation length of Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., J. Lui, S. Queiroz, S. Ribeiro, and K. Resende
Title: Genetic and environmental effects on milk production and lactation length of crossbred goats in north-eastern Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, M., J. Rocha Sarmento, E. Pimenta Filho, and G. Martins
Title: A non-linear modification of wood model to estimate lactation curves of Girgentana goats
Author: Todaro, M., G. Madonia, L. Montalbano, G. Genna, and P. Giaccone
Title: Factors affecting reproductive traits and milk yield of Damascus goats
Author: Papachristoforou, C., and A. Mavrogenis
Title: Effects of the alpha S1 casein locus on dairy performances of Poitevine goats
Author: Ricordeau, F., E. Manfredi, and Y. Amigues
Title: The effects of Hb and Tf phenotypes on the performances of German Fawn X Hair crossbred does under subtropic Cukurova environments
Author: Guney, O., and N. Darcan
Title: Kidding day in Creole goats of Guadeloupe: character related to production efficiency, is it a new selection criterion?
Author: Menendez-Buxadera, F., G. Alexandre, N. Mandonnet, M. Naves, and G. Aumont
Title: The performance of offspring of dams selected by kidding intervals and litter size in native Korean goat
Author: Song, H., H. Lim, S. Lee, and K. Hong
Title: Genetic and phenotypic parameters estimates of kidding interval and age at first kidding in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, A., S. Queiroz, J. Lui, S. Ribeiro, and K. Resende
Title: Genetic parameters of reproductive traits in the Polish dairy goats
Author: Bagnicka, E., and M. Lukaszewicz
Title: Comparative study of the dental chronology of native and exotic goats in semi-arid region of the Paraiba State, Brazil
Author: Ribeiro, M., J. Silva, A. da Costa Vilar Filho, and E. Pimenta Filho
Title: Goat milk production in Cuba: first results in specialized breeds
Author: Ribas, M., and M. Gutierrez
Title: Potential use of somatic cells from goat milk for dynamic study of gene expression in mammary gland
Author: Boutinaud, M., H. Jammes, and J. Djiane
Session 7: Pathology
Main Papers
Title: Brucellosis in sheep and goats-advances in diagnosis, prevention and control
Author: Garin-Bastuji, B.
Title: Advances in identifying and controlling paratuberculosis
Author: Stehman, S.
Title: Peste des petits ruminants: a threat for developing countries
Author: Dialo, A.
Short Papers
Title: Coxiella burnetii shedding among Q Fever infected dairy goats
Author: Berri, M., A. Souriau, M. Crosby, D. Crochet, P. Lechopier, and A. Rodolakis
Title: Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia. Recent advances
Author: F. Thiaucourt, K. Johansson, D. Smith, H. Wesonga, and L. Ygesu
Title: Mortality and health related culling in large dairy goat herds of Western France
Author: Malher, X., F. Beaudeau, and N. Bareille
Title: A study on the infection and reactivation of caprine herpesvirus l in goats
Author: Tempesta, M., D. Buonavoglia, G. Greco, A. Pratelli, G. Normanno, G. Carelli, and C. Buonavoglia
Title: Goat response to single infection with Trichostrongylus colubriformis: comparison between high and low producers
Author: Etter, E., C. Chartier, H. Hoste, I. Pors, A. McKellar, and J. Huntley
Poster Session
Title: Phylogeny within the “Mycoides Cluster” as shown by a 298 BP long intergenic sequence
Author: Thiaucourt, F., S. Lorenzon, A. David, and A. Béart
Title: Isolation and characterisation of Tunisian goat Chlamydia pecorum strain
Author: Tlatli, A., A. Rekiki, A. Souriau, T. Ftouh, A. Rodolakis, and S. Hammami
Title: Serological reactions in a goat herd infected with Mycoplasma putrefaciens
Author: Mercie, P., D. Lenfant, M. Lambert, and P. Dufour
Title: A case of non-purulent multifocal encephalitis in baby goats produced by Mycoplasma arginini
Author: Vega, S., B. Martinez, R. Bolea, E. Minguijon, JA. Ruiz Santa Quiteria, and R. de la Fuente
Title: Protection of vaccinated goats against experimental challenge with Mannheimia Haemolytica al leukotoxin
Author: Du Preez, E., M. Odendaal, and S. Morris
Title: Efficacy of diclazuril on oocyst output in young femal goat: determination of the effective dose rate
Author: Chartier, C., I. Pors, and E. Meissonnier
Title: Oestrus ovis infection in dairy goats. Factors of variability in the seroprevalence within a flock
Author: Hoste, H., F. Prevot, Y. Lefrileux, P. Jacquiet, JP. Bergeaud, C. Duranton, and P. Dorchies
Title: Morbidity profile of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Chahar, A., N. Barhat, and R. Gahlot
Title: Patho-haematobiochemical observations of induced Prosopis juliflora feeding in goats
Author: Misri, J., N. Singh, and V. Vihan
Title: Intoxication of goats with Cestrum parqui
Author: Rossanigo, C., and K. Frigerio
Title: Biochemical profile of clinical Ketosis in goats
Author: Tanwar, R., N. Tinna, A. Ghalot, and S. Sharma
Session 8: Production Systems
Main Papers
Title: Emergence of a milk goat production in Morocco: experiences and prospects
Author: Chiche, J., A. El Aich, and A. Outmani
Title: Goat farming systems under semi-arid Tropics: from marginality to safety
Author: Caron, P., and R. Lancelot
Short Papers
Title: Situation and outlooks of the dairy sheep and goat production systems in the Euro-Mediterranean area: the results of the monitoring body of the FAO/CIHEAM network
Author: Dubeuf, J., J. Choisis, R. Rubino, G. Toussaint, J. Boutonnet, A. Falagna, L. Oregi, S. Ligios, F. Pacheco, and J. Rochon
Title: Milk production from goats for households and small-scale farmers in South Africa
Author: Donkin, E,. and P. Boyazoglu
Title: Goat and sheep production from semi-arid range in western New South Wales, Australia: a comparative analysis
Author: Holst, P., and M. Miller
Title: Goat raising in small-holder farming systems in Bangladesh
Author: Alam, M.
Title: Working in a cheese-making goat farm
Author: Guinamard, C., and E. Caramelle-Holtz
Title: Dynamics of goat husbandry in Indian Himalayan region
Author: Chander, M., S. Kumar, and P. Harbola
Title: Gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats raised at different altitudes and managements in Nepal
Author: Joshi, B.
Title: Breed cultivation of Yaan dairy goats
Author: Xu Gangyi, Pu Jiabi, and Zhang Ming
Title: A preliminary report on improvement by using Boer goat in China
Author: Xu Gangyi, Pu Jiabi, Zhang Hongping, Chen Taiyong
Title: Performance of Osmanabadi goats reared under three management systems
Author: Karanjkar, L., M. Abdul Hakim, and G. Patil
Title: Management strategies for coping with extremes in mohair prices in Angora goat production
Author: Huston, J., P. Thompson, C. Lupton, and J. Kiker
Title: Performance indexes of Procapri herds participants
Author: S. Ribeiro, K. Resende, A. Ribeiro, S. Queiroz, and H. Goncalves
Title: Study of caprine breeding in North-East of Algeria
Author: Madani, T.
Title: Assistance program to dairy goat production system in Uruguay
Author: de Lima, D., G. Fernandez, O. Correa, and E. Rubianes
Title: Characterisation of “Cacioricotta” the only traditional goat cheese of Southern Italy
Author: Pizzillo, M., V. Ferrara, E. Agoglia, M. Calandrelli, and R. Rubino
Title: Lot feeding goats using environmental enrichment
Author: Flint, M., and P. Murray
Title: Productivity of goat in an intensive system of exploitation
Author: Frigerio, K., and C. Rossanigo
Title: The characteristics of goat farming systems in Kahramanmaras, in the North Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
Author: Ozturk, D.
Title: Sociological and productive characterisation of semiextensive goats farms in the “Sierra Norte de Cadiz” Spain
Author: Castel, J., Y. Mena, M. Delgado-Pertinez, F. Caravaca, M. Alcade, and J. Guzman
Title: Socio-economic evaluation of Bengal goat farming systems in three agriecozones in India
Author: Pan, S., and S. Jana
Title: Performance of Marwari goats in Thar desert of India
Author: Barhat, N., G. Gahlot, R. Choudhary, and R. Gahlot
Title: Production systems and breeding strategies in goat breeding systems in Guadeloupe (FWI)
Author: Gau, D., M. Naves, G. Alexandre, E. Shitalou, and N. Mandonnet
Title: Population dynamics and production system of goat in Pakistan
Author: Khan, M.
Title: Effects of different milking methods on profitability and growth performance of Shami (Damascus) kids
Author: Keskin, M., and O. Bicer
Title: Comparative productivity of sheep and goat intensive grazing systems based upon irrigated pangola pastures in the French West Indies
Author: Alexandre, G., M. Mahieu, and G. Aumont
Title: Phenotypic and production characteristics of Criollo goats in the interandean valleys of Bolivia
Author: Altug, F., A. Valle Zarata, A. Stemmer, and R. Ergueta
Title: Relationship among performance indexes and their economical impact on goat farm profits - a simulation
Author: Ribeiro, S., and A. Ribeiro
Title: Goat production in a range management area in Lesotho
Author: Goe, M., and R. Buzzard
Title: Study of two Portuguese goat breeds on "Montado" system
Author: Cachatra, A., and A. Potes
Session 9: Reproduction
Main Papers
Title: Nutritional regulation of reproduction in goats
Author: Walkden-Brown, S. and F. Bocquier
Title: Photoperiodic treatment of bucks markedly improves the response of seasonally anovulatory goats to the “male effect”
Author: Delgadillo, J., J. Flores, F. Veliz, P. Poindron, J. Perez-Villanueva, and G. Martinez de la Escalera
Title: Hormonal treatments to control time of ovulation and fertility of treated goats
Author: Baril, G., and J. Saumande
Short Papers
Title: Estrus induction with artificial photoperiod in Saanen goats in Brazil
Author: Traldi, A., L. Piolli, and F. Piolli
Title: Assessment of different reproductive methods for the cross-breeding of the Oasian goat with Alpine bucks
Author: Rekik, M., and N. Lassoued
Title: Multi-ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) in South African Boer and indigenous goats
Author: Greying, J., and M. van der Nest
Title: The pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in the caprine species: fundamental and clinical approach
Author: Gonzalez, F., P. Calero, E. Quesada, J. Garbayo, and J. Beckers
Poster Session
Title: Out-of-season reproduction in the Vendeen dairy goat farms: Primiparous goats management
Author: Brice, G., B. Poupin, D. Lequenne, and L. Formenti
Title: Anglo-Nubian goats reproductive performance traits under Egyptian environmental conditions
Author: Marai, I., A. Daader, F. Hassan, and A. Abu-Ela
Title: Reproductive behaviour of the typical goat from cow mountains of Comechingones from Cordoba district, Argentina
Author: de Gea, G., and A. Mellano
Title: Reproductive performance of Damascus goats in semi-arid areas in Egypt
Author: Shalaby, A., S. Sharawy, N. Saleh, and M. Medan
Title: Reproductive characteristics of goats in semiarid areas of Cear, Northeast of Brazil
Author: Nunes, J., and C. de M. Salgueiro
Title: Sexual development in Saanen bucks from birth to 12 months old
Author: Becker-Silva, S., A. Marquez Junior, and P. Andrade
Title: Performance test for growth rate and feed efficiency in young meat bucks
Author: Gipson, T., E. Escobar, T. McKinney, L. Dawson, and T. Sahlu
Title: Incidence of various gross reproductive disorders in male and female Barbri goats
Author: Zia-Ur-Rahman, E. Bengali, N. Akhtar, and I. Haq
Title: Criteria for the choice of breeding goat male in an extensive rearing system in Lebanon
Author: Abi Saab, S., E. Hajj, S. Hanna, and R. El Roumouz
Title: Sexual activity in the Bedouin male goat (Capra hircus) from birth to adulthood
Author: Mouffok, N., F. Khammar, S. Charallah, and Z. Amirat
Title: Activité cosurrénalienne chez la chèvre bédouine mâle de la naissance à l’âge adulte
Author: Kebane, S., N. Chergui, Y. Lakhdari, Z. Amirat, and F. Khammar
Title: The effect of undernutrition on testes and semen characteristics in young Boer goats
Author: Schwalbach, L., A. Almeida, J. Greyling, L. Cardoso, and C. Williams