2018 Asian Regional Conference on Goats, Jaipur, India
Congratulations to Amity University of Jaipur, India, and the successful organization of the Asian Regional Conference on Goats 2018! Thank you for this opportunity for researchers, producers and development workers to gather together to share information, strategies and ideas to use the unique productive capacities of the goat. In Asia, the goat is ubiquitous and has been valued for its hardiness and small size, requiring relatively little food to survive and reproduce. In the past 20 years, demand for milk, meat and fiber from goats has skyrocketed, along with the need for supportive scientific investigations, extension of best practices, and sound policies to protect vulnerable farmers, the land and natural resources, and the welfare of the animals themselves.
Through IGA’s international network and the ARCG Technical Committee, we have brought together the best of the national and international experts in all aspects of goat production, processing and marketing, and using goats as an entry point for sustainable and equitable development, and environmental protection. IGA and the International Scientific Committee wish to thank the local organizers, and our gracious hosts at Amity University who first proposed this idea and brought it to fruition. We are excited at the enthusiastic response of our colleagues, and the exciting opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and begin new friendships and collaborations. IGA is pleased to announce that the Asian Regional Conference on Goats will be continued next year in Nepal, in October 2019, building on the success of the Jaipur meeting. We look forward to continuing our collective efforts to bring attention and professionalism to the world of the goat. With warm wishes, Beth A. Miller, DVM President, International Goat Association |
ARCG Presentations
REPORT: Asian Regional Conference on Goats (ARCG-2018), October 22-26
Written by Yoko Tsukahara, IGA Board member
The Asian Regional Conference on Goats (ARCG2018) was held at Amity University, Rajasthan, Jaipur, India on Oct. 22-26, 2018. The theme entitled “Current Challenges in Goat Industry and the Strategies to Combat in Asia Region.” A total of 287 researchers, professors, and producers from 14 countries including, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Hungary, Japan, Mongolia, Spain, and the USA attended the meeting. The scientific program included keynote addresses, expert talks, oral and poster presentations, and brainstorming and valedictory sessions. The participants enjoyed a warm traditional welcome during the technical tour at the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute which produces and conducts research on pure Sirohi goats, varieties of sheep and rabbit breeds, veterinary medical plants, and so on.
The Asian Regional Conference on Goats (ARCG2018) was held at Amity University, Rajasthan, Jaipur, India on Oct. 22-26, 2018. The theme entitled “Current Challenges in Goat Industry and the Strategies to Combat in Asia Region.” A total of 287 researchers, professors, and producers from 14 countries including, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Hungary, Japan, Mongolia, Spain, and the USA attended the meeting. The scientific program included keynote addresses, expert talks, oral and poster presentations, and brainstorming and valedictory sessions. The participants enjoyed a warm traditional welcome during the technical tour at the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute which produces and conducts research on pure Sirohi goats, varieties of sheep and rabbit breeds, veterinary medical plants, and so on.
Photos from Day 2
Announcement Information
Goats were among the first farm animals to be domesticated. Goats disseminated all over the world because of their great adaptability to varying environmental conditions and the different nutritional regimes under which they were evolved and subsequently maintained. The global goat population currently stands at 921 million, of which over 90% are found in developing countries. Asia is home to about 60% of the total world goat population and has the largest goat breed share of 26%. India is the second largest producer of the goats.
Central Institute for Research on Goats (CIRG) in India is Asia’s only institute dedicated to Goat Research. Asia contributes approximately 59% to world goat milk production and India is the largest producer of the goat milk. Rajasthan state of India has the second highest population of goats after Andhra Pradesh and has two renowned research institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Central Arid Zone Research Institute) are executing R & D beside promoting goat-based animal husbandry in the country. |
Website www.amity.edu/arcg2018 Venue Address SP-1, Kant Kalwar, RIICO Industrial Area, NH-11C, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 303002, India Correspondence Address Amity House, 14-Gopal Bari, Ajmer Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302001, India Phones +91-9119180132, +91-9680001706 Email Contact [email protected] |
Goats play a vital socio-economic role in Asian agriculture, particularly for resource-poor people. In pastoral and agricultural subsistence societies in India, goats are a source of additional income and act as insurance against disaster. Goats are also used in ceremonial feasts and mobile bank / ATM for the payment of social dues by the rural poor, especially women. There are many advantages of goat rearing including, low initial investment, cheap housing requirements, high fertility rate with twining, can thrive well on wide variety of crop residues, agricultural by-products, goat meat is lean (low cholesterol), Goat milk is easy to digest due to small fat globules and is naturally homogenized etc. With the exception of a few large-scale commercial enterprises, goats are often raised at the margins of communities. This is true in the physical sense that goats (and sheep) are well adapted to the harsh conditions and poor-quality feed found at the interface between deserts, mountains, and cultivable land, and on “waste” land within cropped areas where poor and landless people are also found. In a financial sense, goats and sheep husbandry represent the smallest investment needed for the poor to engage in livestock production as a new enterprise. Demand for goat production has been fueled by increasing populations and growing disposable incomes is increasing at a high rate.
But the importance of this valuable genetic resource is underestimated and its extent of contribution to the livelihood of the poor is inadequately understood. Part of this attitude towards them is probably due to the recognition of their capability, rather any prejudice against them, as it is believed that goats are intelligent, independent, agile and tolerant to many diseases and parasites and can look after themselves much better than other livestock species.
Research investments are at a relatively low level for goats compared to their potential. Nevertheless, goats are a more important source of livelihood for many more people in coming years and, thus, they deserve greater attention at both the micro and macro levels.
At Amity University, Jaipur ARCG-2018 has been planned with support of International Goat Association (IGA), USA and in association with other renowned national institutes (Central Institute for Research on Goats, Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research – Jaipur, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry – Dantiwada, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Genomix CARL Pvt. Ltd. etc) under the. The sole objective of the event is to promote the Goat Husbandry. The event has following technical sessions:
Theme: Current Challenges in Goat Industry and the Strategies to Combat in Asian Region
- Goat Health Management and Welfare
- Nutrition management and alternative feeding systems
- Breeding & Genetics
- Production systems and climatic changes in Asia
- Innovations in Reproductive Technologies
- Goat Products
- Socio-Economic, Marketing and Financial Issues in Asia
- We are giving discount to IGA / ISSGPU members and faculty/researcher from collaborator institution
- We have kept lesser fee of low-income countries to help researchers/ students from these countries
- Registration fee includes:
- Welcome dinner with beverages and Indian cultural heritage eve
- Gala Dinner with beverage with Rajasthan cultural heritage eve (camel rides, Kalbelia dance, magic show, astrology etc)
- Tea/ Coffee/ Juice breaks with snacks (two per day)
- Lunch on each day
- Registration Kit with bag, stationery and abstract book
- Technical tour to Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute
- University hostel accommodation on first come first serve basis
Abstract Submissions Open: November 14, 2017
Abstract Submissions Deadline: August 31, 2018
General Guidelines
- Only abstracts from registered participants will be published
- One author at least per submitted paper must be registered for the Conference
- Contributions will be reviewed by Scientific Committees
- Instructions for poster or oral presentation will be provided at the time of acceptance
- Authors must ensure use of standard English
- Errors in the text will not be corrected, the content and literary standard of abstracts is author's responsibility
- Committee reserves the right to accept or reject abstract
- Committee reserves the right to decide on oral or poster presentation
Guidelines for Abstract Preparation
- Abstract should contain Title (20 words max.), Authors & Affiliations, Presenting Author, keywords (6 words max.), abstract body should contain (250 words max.), brief introduction with objectives, brief remarks of methodology, findings and conclusion
- No bibliography or images are accepted
- All symbols in the text must be inserted through the insert symbol menu and not through the Symbol font
- Submit abstracts using the online portal only
- Authors are required to generate User Name and Password for abstract submission