IGA Membership
memberships with automatic renewal
Basic IGA membership
IGA membership* without a hard copy subscription to Small Ruminant Research
IGA Membership Plus
IGA membership*, with a hard copy subscription to Small Ruminant Research
memberships without automatic renewal
Student membershipincludes:
IGA Membership Plusone year membership*, with a hard copy subscription to the official journal of the IGA, Small Ruminant Research
Student Membership ExtraThis membership is good for one-year and includes everything from the Student membership level and online access to Small Ruminant Research. Lifetime membership for retirees (60 or older) |
* These memberships include online access to SRR.
Please note: Student membership and Lifetime membership do not include online access to SRR. We also offer discounted memberships for people living in developing countries (see below). |
Did you accidentally let your IGA membership expire? You can pay it with this. Simply add $5 for every month that you have missed.
Member dues are $55 USD for a basic membership or $155 for a membership with hard copy subscription. We encourage you to join IGA for multiple years.
Send all mail to:
International Goat Association
Attn: Yoko Tsukahara
2516 Millbrook Rd.,
Little Rock, Arkansas, 72227, USA
Send all mail to:
International Goat Association
Attn: Yoko Tsukahara
2516 Millbrook Rd.,
Little Rock, Arkansas, 72227, USA
IMPORTANT: If you choose to "subscribe", you will be able to automatically renew your IGA membership each year.
If you do not want to "subscribe" for an IGA membership with automatic renewal, then you should click ADD TO CART, then click CHECKOUT. You can add additional years to your membership by increasing the quantity (QTY). Click CHECKOUT again, complete the secure checkout and you will be able to pay online.
You can also contact us directly to submit your payment information.
email: [email protected]
phone: +1-405-586-0807
There are several benefits for those who become members now:
If you do not want to "subscribe" for an IGA membership with automatic renewal, then you should click ADD TO CART, then click CHECKOUT. You can add additional years to your membership by increasing the quantity (QTY). Click CHECKOUT again, complete the secure checkout and you will be able to pay online.
You can also contact us directly to submit your payment information.
email: [email protected]
phone: +1-405-586-0807
There are several benefits for those who become members now:
- IGA memberships are effective for 1 year from the date you join.
- Most IGA memberships include online access to Small Ruminant Research.
- Access to the MEMBERS area of the IGA website, where you get exclusive information, access to IGA member documents, etc.
- We aggregate the best news and most important goat information for you in the IGA Newsletter.
- Submit articles for publication in the IGA Newsletter.
- We link you with your global colleagues providing you the opportunity to interact at conferences, through the Journal, and online.
- Participate in IGA projects, such as the IGA Consulting Group.
- Opportunities for leadership and participation in IGA committees.
- Contribute to the national and global agenda for small ruminant production and consumption through scientifically sound and sensible policies.
- IGA is the voice of goat researchers and producers at national and international levels.
Memberships for Developing Countries
We want to enable more people from developing countries to participate in the IGA. We offer memberships for people who live in countries rated below .500 on the UN-Human Development Index. If you don't know your country's UN-HDI, then click here to find your country.
automatic renewal with online access to SRR, without hard copy subscription
Developing Countries Basic IGA MembershipNOTE: this option is for people who live in countries below .500 on the UN - Human Development Index. It is a one-year IGA membership* without a hard copy subscription. |
automatic renewal with online access to SRR and a hard copy subscription
Developing Countries IGA Membership PlusNOTE: this option is for people who live in countries below .500 on the UN - Human Development Index. It is a one-year membership*, with a hard copy subscription to the official journal of the IGA, Small Ruminant Research. |

IGA Membership

IGA Membership Plus

Student Membership Extra

Lifetime membership for retirees (60 or older)

Student membership





IGA membership