3rd Portuguese goat production meeting The Agriculture School (ESA) of the Bragança Polytechnic Institute (IPB) in association with the Regional Director for Western Europe of the International Goat Association, the National Serrana Goat Breeders Association (ANCRAS), and the Mountain Research Centre (CIMO), are going to organize CAPRA 2014 (the third Portuguese goat production meeting).
The meeting will take place in Bragança (Portugal) from 24 to 25 October, 2014. The main subject areas covered: Meat and Milk production, Animal Breeding and Genetics, Nutrition, Biology of Goat Production Systems, Behaviour, Welfare and Health. CAPRA 2014 will be an exciting opportunity for breeders, students, professors and researchers to meet and spend time in a friendly way for the benefit of Portuguese Goat Production. Provisional Programme
We just received word that this conference has been rescheduled for October 18-20! An international conference on dairy goat healthy farming and milk processing will be take place in China’s, Fuping County, on October 18-20, 2014. The conference will be hosted by Northwest A&F University with the joint collaboration of International Goat and China Sheep and Goat associations. It is approved by GOC Ministry of education, organized by Shaanxi Dairy Goat Industrial Technology Innovation Alliances, Shaanxi Dairy Industry Association, Shaanxi Dairy Goat Technology System, Agro-scientific Research for Public Interest---Research Group of Dairy Goat and Government of Fuping County. The conference will be sponsored by Shaanxi Hongxing, Shaanxi Jinniu, Shaanxi Shengtang and Xi’an Baiyue Dairy Co., Ltd
Aim of Conference Promoting healthy farming of dairy goat, accelerating up-gradation of milk product. Theme of Conference Communication, Innovation, Development, Win-win Conference Time The conference will begin on October 18th and will last for 3 days. Registration is scheduled for October 18. The Opening Ceremony will start on October 19th. Conference Venue Tiancheng Garden of Fuping County, Shaanxi. Main content of Conference October 19 – Opening ceremony (30 min) Welcome message from the host, from the President of the International Association of Goats, from China Dairy Industry Association, Dairy Association of China, Dairy Industry Office of Ministry of Agriculture, from Agriculture Department, Technology Department, Commerce and Industry Department of Shaanxi province, from municipal government of Weinan City, and from Fuping county government. Report of dairy goat industry development (3 hours)
Development Reports from Enterprises (4 companies, 30 min) Reports from famous experts in industry technological innovation (afternoon at 19th)
October 20 – Reports from national experts
Farms visiting (Afternoon of October 20th)
“Goat breeding: an alternative for the food and social development of Mexico” ![]() When and where is the conference? September 24-27, 2014 at the Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato Who should attend? Goat producers, livestock experts and students What is the objective? Promote updating, transferring of technologies and exchanges of experiences between all players in the supply chain (goat producers, service providers, researchers, students, processors and traders) and goat product system for their development as an important agribusiness sector agribusiness in Mexico. Want to read this in Spanish? ¿Quieres leer esto en español? «La caprinocultura: una alternativa para el desarrollo agroalimentario y social de México» ![]() Fechas: 24-27 de Septiembre de 2014 Dirigido a: Productores caprinos, técnicos pecuarios y estudiantes. Objetivo: Propiciar la actualización, transferencia de tecnologías y el intercambio de experiencias entre todos los actores de la cadena productiva (caprinocultores, prestadores de servicios, investigadores, estudiantes, transformadores y comercializadores) del sistema producto caprino que permitan su desarrollo como una agroindustria importante en el sector agroalimentario y social de México. 5月11日至23日,前国际山羊学会主席、美国山羊研究所所长、西雅图阿格西大学校長, 現任希洛夏威夷大學終身教授呂大正 (Dr. Christopher D. Lu) 受邀考察、访问了四川农业大学、河北农业大学和安徽农业大学、及部分综合试验站的山羊、绵羊育种场和产业技术示范基地。其间,呂大正教授应邀为三所大学的部分师生作了三场学术报告,与张英杰教授(中国畜牧兽医学会养羊学分会理事长)、张子军教授和徐刚毅研究员进行了交流,并就进一步开展合作事宜进行了商议。徐刚毅研究员全程陪同。呂大正教授並在四川农业大学向研究生介紹美國山羊綿羊品種歷史及趨勢.
Professor Xu Gangyi, IGA Director of the Board and Professor Zhang Yingjie, IGA Regional Director in Asia hosted a visit by Dr. Christopher D. Lu, Professor of University of Hawaii at Hilo who was in China during in May, 2014 to promote goat research and cooperation and International Goat Association. Dr. Lu is a former president of the International Goat Association (IGA) and Argosy University in Seattle.
Want to read this in Chinese? International Workshop on Genetic Resistance to Parasites in Small Ruminant, August 15, 20148/5/2014 We just got word of a great workshop coming up in just a few days. We hope some of you will be able to attend.
Objective: Discuss genetic selection strategies to identify parasite resistant individuals applicable for the conditions of the sheep and goat flocks of México and Latin America. The Spanish society of sheep and goat (SEOC) returns to celebrate its annual Congress, this time in the historic city of Ourense. In this Edition, the “Auditorio Municipal of Ourense” will host the XXXIX National Conference and XV international.
Following the guideline of previous conferences, but improving year after year, speakers of high professional reputation in the field of small ruminants have been invited, which will give us information on the latest advances in knowledge regarding these species. As a novelty, this year we have introduced a monographic Conference on Mastitis by express request of the sector. Furthermore, a very practical topic is going to be treated in the satellite symposium: “Performing a necropsy”. ![]() Executive summary The Regional workshop on goat breeding within the Hungarian-Romanian European Regional cross-border conference, organized under the auspices of the International Goat Association in cooperation with Hungarian Sheep and Goat Dairying Public Utility Association took place in Debrecen, Hungary and Oradea, Romania. The conference was held on 8-10 April in Debrecen and on 11 April in Oradea. The participants of the conference were arriving from Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia (The Former Yugoslav Republic of), Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, as well as South Africa, USA, Mexico, New-Zealand, Malaysia, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco. There were five sessions held within the conference 1. Breeding; 2. Nutrition; 3. Environment and production systems; 4. Animal health; Human Health, along with one round-table (on animal welfare of goats), and three separate workshops on different sections of goat reproduction. |
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The International Goat Association promotes goat research and development for the benefit of humankind, to alleviate poverty, to promote prosperity and to improve the quality of life. Archives
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