![]() Are you a bovine or companion animal veterinarian interested in working with local dairy goat producers but need to brush up on your caprine knowledge? Maybe you own dairy goats and want to take your herd health and milk quality to the next level? The American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners has a podcast for you!
Acocanic Asociación de criadores de Ovinos y Caprinos de Nicaragua.
Les invita a las charlas que se están realizando Con temas de mucho interés para las producciones de Pequeños Rumiantes para Nicaragua y todo el Mundo . Charlas completamentes gratuitas. Ing: Rodrigo Arias. MSc. País. Guatemala Tema: Utilización de forrajeras arbóreas en la alimentación de las cabras lecheras y otros rumiantes. Aquí te dejamos el link para que puedas acceder. https://cutt.ly/UKopvY5 Universidad Nacional Agraria - Nicaragua XI Congreso Aleprycs REPORT: XXI Middle-European Buiatrics Congress, ECSRHM Annual Conference and General Meeting6/27/2022 ![]() The XXI Middle-European Buiatrics Congress was held from May 19 to 22 at the Hotel Anders in Stare Jabłonki, north-eastern Poland, near the city of Olsztyn. The European College of Small Ruminant Health Management (ECSRHM) organized the general meeting and held an annual conference as part of this gathering. ![]() The organizing committee included Prof. Emilia Bagnicka from the Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Jarosław Kaba, Dr. Marcin Mickiewicz, and Ms. Zofia Nowek from the Division of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, and Dr. Adrian-Valentin Potârniche from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Romania. On May 20, the ECSRHM General Meeting officially began with a visit to Mrs. Helena Wróblewska’s farm in Kierzliny. She described the history of her herd, which consisted of roughly 300 dairy goats. She also spoke about the farm’s daily schedule, manners, frequency of milking, and conditions for the welfare of the animals. Following the introduction, participants tasted products made by Mrs. Wróblewska, including milk, yogurt, various types of goat cheese, and some meat products. They also toured the facility to see the equipment used to make these products. If foot and mouth disease (FMD) is found in United States livestock, Regulatory Officials will limit the movement of animals and animal products to try to control the spread of this very contagious animal disease.
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is not a public health or food safety concern. Meat and milk are safe to eat and drink. The Secure Goat, Milk & Mohair Supply Plan for Continuity of Business (SGMMS) provides information and guidance to help producers prepare before an outbreak. There is no requirement for producers to do anything, but having a plan in place will help them be in a better position to:
To find your country’s status on the UNDP HDI Index, follow this link:
https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks The registration fee includes the following:
For more information, visit the conference website at https://www.icg2022.org/. College of Veterinary Medicine Small Ruminant Program Iowa State University, Extension & Outreach, Dairy Team Dairy Goat Management channel Dairy Goat Housing, Ventilation and Milking Systems
Join Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Team as Field Ag Engineer, Brian Dougherty and Extension Dairy Specialist, Larry Tranel, provide information on dairy goat housing, ventilation, and milking systems. CAE and what you need to know!
Join Dr. Paul Plummer, Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Executive Director of National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education, as he discusses what CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis) is and practical ways to manage the spread of CAE in your herd. Written by Tania Perálvarez Puerta Lack of data There is little information on the use of antibiotics in sheep and goats compared to other species. This may be because of the characteristics of the sector, which in general is very heterogeneous and not very high-tech (in some countries), which can make data collection and communication difficult. The collection of data on the use of antibiotics in small ruminants must be encouraged. This lack of data is a problem as in order to be able to determine the best antibiotic reduction strategy, we need to know details of antibiotic use in the sector: quantities, routes of administration, seasonality, variability between farms etc.
![]() Written by Beth Miller, past president of IGA (2016-2021) I learned many things from my decades of friendship with Dr. Pu Jiabi. He was my first friend from China, and a masterful tour guide, with an incredibly detailed knowledge of local history. Although he was already a well-established and respected veteran of the Animal Husbandry Bureau in Sichuan, China, he wanted to know how animals were managed in other settings and to create novel approaches for the Chinese situation. He was always curious and wanted to learn as much as possible about every new place he visited. Dr. Pu was passionate about combining goats and training to raise people from poverty to security. He was committed to the mission of the IGA and felt that greater attention to goats could create opportunities for resource-poor people everywhere, especially in Asia. He supported Heifer’s sponsorship of IGA to bring greater recognition of goats as a critical and valuable resource. As an energetic Board member and leader, Dr. Pu was instrumental in organizing the 6th International Conference on Goats in Beijing, China, in 1996. He served as IGA Regional Director for Asia and as an IGA Board member from 1994 to 2002. I remember Dr. Pu as a visionary leader and a tireless experimenter, but most of all as a great friend who always made me feel welcome. His enduring legacy is his many students rising to leadership positions in Animal Husbandry and thousands of rural people who enjoy greater prosperity from his work with Heifer China. Former Director of Heifer China
Dear Friends, I am sad to send this message out. Dr. Pu Jiabi, former Country Director for Heifer China, and IGA Board member, passed away peacefully last Saturday, June 4th, at 94. He was cremated, and his family held a brief funeral ceremony. I expressed our respect and made a memorial speech at the ceremony. Dr. Pu worked as a breeding expert in the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Animal Husbandry in China for about 40 years. He made significant contributions to breeding and improving livestock and poultry in Sichuan. In 1984, Dr. Pu visited Heifer International as a Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Animal Husbandry delegation member. He then submitted some project proposals, of which three were approved for funding by Heifer. Najmeh Kargar (1), Nader Papi (2), and Farhad Mirzaei (2) 1. Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Animal Science Research Department, Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Kerman, Iran. 2. Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Animal Science Institute of Iran, Karaj. ![]() History of goat breeding in the province To know the history of raising Cashmere goats, one should refer to Kerman’s history of cashmere products. Raising Cashmere goats was earlier than the cashmere products. The shawl was one of the essential cashmere products in the past. The definition of shawl by Dehkhoda is cashmere or wool textiles woven in Iran, especially in the city of Kerman. Also, a shawl is defined by Moin: as a simple or patterned textile that is woven from cashmere or wool. For the first time in historical references (Georgie Zidane), the Kermani shawl is mentioned around 333AH and 944AD. Marco Polo refers to knitted products in Kerman in his travelogue. Telegrapher reported 15,000 shawls woven and many shawls production workshops in Kerman in 1879. During the reign of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar, the number of Cashmere goats grew in other areas of Iran, but the quality and quantity of cashmere production declined. Bastani Parizi believes that the production of desirable cashmere is due to the low rainfall in Kerman. |
IGA Blog
The International Goat Association promotes goat research and development for the benefit of humankind, to alleviate poverty, to promote prosperity and to improve the quality of life. Archives
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